Contractual Language Regarding Educator Evaluation and Support System



a. Elementary School: A full lesson
b. Middle School: A full class period
c. High School: 45 Minutes.
d. The time may be reduced if all elements of the rubric have been observed.


a. All Levels: No less than thirty (30) minutes.

How many Observations am I required to have?

a. Three observations: one announced and two unannounced.

Who conducts my observations?

If you are having (1) one announced:
a. Elementary School: Building Principal or Superintendent’s designee or both.
b. Middle School: Department Coordinator, independently or with an Administrator.
c. High School Department Head, independently or with an Administrator

When do observations take place?

An announced observation will be defined as an observation where the educator is informed at a minimum of five (5) school days in advance that his/her evaluator will be observing him/her. The educator will be informed of the date, time, and period, if appropriate, of the observation.

No observation will be conducted on the Friday before or the Monday following a holiday/vacation period, or during the administration of a state-mandated assessment, unless mutually agreeable.

Normally, the evaluation process shall proceed for all educators at the same pace. A yearly calendar will be bargained by the EPEA and Superintendent of Schools, or her designee, to ensure that observations and conferences take place in a timely manner and move in such a way as to allow educators to grow professionally as they improve their craft. Reasonable exceptions shall be determined by the Administrator and will include teachers on leave, and new mid-year hires.

When do conferences take place?

a. Beginning—before October 1 st or by mid-October (end of second week)
b. Mid— held by January 31 st
c. End Of Year—prior to the end of the first week in June.


Rating and Feedback

What can I do if I am in danger of receiving a rating less than effective?

Any educator in danger of receiving less than an Effective evaluation rating in the area of
Professional Practice shall be notified not later than the mid-year conference, and shall have the
right to request a different evaluator.

When and how do I receive feedback for observations?

Upon the request of the teacher, the evaluator and teacher will meet after each classroom observation. Written feedback is required within five (5) school days after each observation.

How do I end up on a Teacher Support Plan?

Educators receiving a final evaluation rating of Ineffective or Developing will be placed on a
performance improvement plan. The primary evaluator and educator shall meet to discuss areas
of performance to be addressed in the plan which are aligned to the components of the
evaluation rubric found to be in need of improvement. The primary evaluator and educator will
mutually develop the improvement plan. The Department Chair, Coordinator or Superintendent’s
designee may be included in the development of the plan at the educator’s and/or primary
evaluator’s request.



Do I have the right to appeal my rating or evaluation process?


How does the appeal process work?

There shall be an evaluation Appeals Panel (EAP), comprised of three (3) members. One (1)
member shall be appointed by the Superintendent of Schools, and one (1) member shall be
appointed by the EPEA President. The third member shall be selected from a rotating list of
educators including teachers and administrators, mutually agreed upon by the EPEA President
and Superintendent, and trained in the RIDE evaluation system.

The EAP’s charge shall be to hear appeals and assist in resolution of matters of dispute
concerning the establishment of Professional Foundations, Professional Practice, Student
Learning Objectives, Professional Growth Goals, and final evaluation ratings.

How do I file an appeal?

All appeals shall be submitted to the Evaluation Appeals Panel via the Office of the
Superintendent within five (5) school days of receipt of the related document by the educator
and after an attempt to resolve the matter of dispute with the administrative evaluator. All such
attempts shall be documented in writing by both parties and submitted to the EAP.

When will my appeal be heard?

The EAP shall hear the appeal, prior to EPSS closing, and within ten (10) business days of receipt
of the appeal. The EAP shall respond in writing within ten (10) business days of the hearing.

Can I still file a grievance regarding my evaluation rating?

Nothing herein shall limit the right of any educator to file a grievance concerning the process that
leads to his/her evaluation rating.

What if there is an issue with my assigned evaluator?

Any educator may appeal the assigned evaluator to the District Evaluation Committee based on legitimate educational concerns.